HMLC is OUR way of life – Join us!
Lifting and listening to heavy metal seem to attract the same passionate, dedicated and loyal fans so bringing the two together seemed obvious fusion to Alan & Vicky Hungerford.
Both Vicky and Alan are serious metalheads. They spend much of their spare time in the gym throwing around some serious weight and love nothing more than smashing the shit out of PB.
Although there is a lot of gym gear out there they couldn’t find anything that combined their love for both kinds of heavy metal, and with that thought in mind, they decided to take their love for the music and sport to the masses and create gear for Badass metal heads – Heavy Metal lifting Club was created.
“HMLC is OUR way of life… Join us!”
They are incredibly proud of the products and brand that they’re building and want you guys to be just as excited! Become part of the new breed and join the HMLC!
Check out the HMLC Instagram and Facebook page and don’t forget to tag #HMLC #HeavyMetalLiftingClub in your shirt and while training or smashing your PB!